Friday, December 9, 2011

Changing gears.

So, I am totally over the bible. Its boring, irrelevant, boring, and honestly I can hardly muster an opinion about it, other than I just don't get it, I don't see the point. I'll keep reading it, when insomnia hits, but I will no longer comment on it. Its hard enough to read it, even harder to formulate a coherent opinion. Selah.

On a happier, more interesting and current note I have signed up for my first marathon today. The run is on April 21st, which is perfect timing for a half way point until my goal of 50 at 30, that would be the 50 miles I plan to run on my 30th birthday in October. No, I am not 30 yet and you're jealous :-P

So from here on out, until I get bored and/or distracted with something more shiny, this will become my training blog. Why you ask? Cause I like to copy my little sister since she's wicked cool.

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