Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend Activities.

Today is my day off, as Sundays should be. Yesterday I left for my run later in the afternoon, so unfortunately some of the trail was in the shade already when I got there, and even more of it on my way back. Shade is not usually a bad thing, except when the temperature outside is approximately 25F, then shade is seriously cold. On the other hand it only makes you run faster. We did 6 miles, which was Hijack's first six miles running ever, and he did fantastic keeping up most of the time. Running in cold weather seems to be much more suiting to the Hijack. Murphy of course could care less what the weather is outside, as long as we're running. I really do hope one day that puppy can run a half marathon with me :) That would make momma proud.

So we ran 6 miles on the Pipeline trail in Millcreek, our usual stomping grounds. The iPod tells me my average pace for the whole run was ~10, which included a couple of stops to wait for Hijack to keep up and a water break at the creek for the dogs. So the actual running pace had to be faster. Which is good, cause I really don't want to run any slower than a 10. I am also no longer running in the Vibrams, because its almost winter and I run on ice, snow and slush and my toes would get just too cold and numb to run. Can't wait to get them back on in the spring though :)

I've been recently slacking at yoga, mostly because I've been working so late, that by the time I get out, its either after the classes have started or I am so hungry and exhausted yoga is the last thing on my mind. However, I am paying for it so I gots to get back to it. Tonight I am either going to go to a slow power class or yin yoga, haven't decided yet which, but they're not till the evening so I have some time to make up my mind.

Here's the plan for the upcoming week:

Day Run Yoga
Monday Lunch w/Client 7:30PM - Power, Unplugged w/ Kate
Tuesday OFF 6:00PM - Power 1& 2 w/Kim
Wednesday 12PM - 4miles @Millcreek Canyon 5:40PM - Core w/D'ana
Thursday 12PM - 5miles @Millcreek Canyon 6:00PM - Power 1 & 2 w/Kim
Friday OFF 4:15PM - Core w/Kate
Saturday noon-ish: 6miles @Millcreek Canyon OFF
Sunday OFF 8:30AM Core w/D'ana
10:00AM Power 1 & 2 w/D'ana

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