Friday, December 9, 2011

Run 1

I was able to break away from work today for two hours to run! The weather was most excellent, even though at the trail head my car said it was 26F. The sun was out but I had so few layers on, I though I would freeze. I did not, it was perfect, as were the dogs. Hijack even ran most of the way, and when he lagged behind, he caught up sprinting mad down the trail. 4 miles felt good, I could've kept going, but had to go back to work, and I am running again tomorrow.
The training for the marathon officially begins in January, so this is just a warm up, mostly to figure out my work-run-work-yoga schedule. The plan is to run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday during the work day, around noonish, when there is most sun and warmth and then do the long distance running on Saturday. Intertwine that with yoga for cross-training purposes and hopefully I can get into marathon shape by the time the marathon rolls around.

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