Yesterday, actually was the beginning. Not sure from where I downloaded this training plan, but now looking it over its rather weak, and even though I'll run on the days specified, I'll be upping the mileage. According to that plan, I wouldn't be running my first 7 miles till 3 weeks from now, and I am planning on running 7 this Saturday. I am happy to report that I am a stronger runner than a complete rookie. Go me!
Yesterdays run ended fabulously. It started cold as shit. Even though the thermometer said 32 when I left the house, by the time I got to my trail the Suby said 27 and with the humidity hanging in the air it felt more like 15. It took about a mile before my hands stopped feeling numb from the cold. Brr. Surprisingly though the breathing was okay. At my first uphill I was pulling of the windbreaker and gloves and felt sweat beads running down my back. Unfortunately because of the snow on the ground I was in the Nikes and running was not only awkward but felt slow and like it took much more effort. I kept trying to switch to the barefoot running style, bouncing small steps on my toes, but the traditional running shoes don't really permit such foot bending and repeatedly forcing my heals to the ground. It was a battle for sure and made the running feel even more awkward. The snow on the ground wasn't helping, but at least it was packed and I wasn't sinking into it. On the other hand focusing on the ground made the 5 miles come and go with the quickness. It was definitely my fastest 5 miles to date. I got back to the car in under 50 minutes, and this included stopping several times waiting for the dogs, stopping at the bridge to allow them to drink, and chasing Murphy around to play with a stick, which resulted in Hijack plowing into the back of my legs at full speed sending me ass first into the snow. Most pleasant surprise was despite my burning calves, at mile 4ish, I felt like I could make another 5 mile loop with ease. I might've even tried, if it wasn't for the fact that 1) it was getting dark and I left the headlamp at home (see previous post why that's a bad idea) and 2) I don't actually want to kill my dogs. All in all... great run, even with the Nikes.
The only downside was on the drive back, my knees started throbbing most likely from trying to run in Nikes like I would barefoot. I really need to figure out a way to make the Vibrams work in the snow, not just winter. When the trails are without snow, even when its below 30, the Vibrams work just fine. I even ran through some snow slush puddles, and after the initial brr and numbness, my feet recover quickly and heat up after only a mile or so. Its when the snow covers the entire trail without any break, and worse yet when the snow is ankle high or more, that's when real foot numbness sets in, which hurts even more once off the trail and the tozen (aka frozen toes) start thawing. However, the marathon will be on pavement (yuck!) so I might have to start running on that sooner or later. Maybe when snow covers the trails I can switch to roads and save myself from a case of the tozen. I haven't actually tried the Bikilas on a road (supposedly that's what they're made for). In addition I ordered Injinji toe socks today, which hopefully will fit into the Vibrams, providing and extra layer of warmth and actually covering my ankles. Next run is on Wednesday and thanks to the awesomeness of Zappos I should have my socks by then which might be important since the high on Wednesday is supposed to be 25F!
Keep your feet warm!
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